Properly Synced POS (point of sale) Systems.

Date: 7/2/2019 Catagory : Helpful Tips

The world of consumer devices are driven by a few things, one of the largest being simplicity. Consumer technology differs from commercial equipment or software, where commercial items can be more complex to operate it usually can have some more powerful benefits to a company.

Consumer equipment and software by design is meant to be much friendlier and easier to use. Consumers have a large benefit of having more systems in sync than ever, just like the calendar on your computer and cell phone.

Lets turn our attention to Point of Sale Systems.

Corporate point of sale systems have a tendency to have the ability to sync registers and back office computers to servers that host everything from Sales logs, Price sheets, Time clock entries, and more. These systems sync their records on a scheduled basis, allowing them to run interdependently throughout most of a day.

There are many point of sale systems that are completely in sync with there servers or hosts for every transaction or action that takes place on the register. This is a huge benefit due to the fact you never have to worry about your register loosing all those important records, if something along the lines of a power outage where to happen, and you would never sell an item for the wrong price if a price sheet wasn’t updated, due to the constant syncing.

The downside of entirely cloud hosted systems is that if the internet is lost the you would be unable to process sales as you would not have a connection to your host on the internet that retains all companies sales, inventory records, ect. This issue can be easily resolved by creating a mobile hotspot or using a phone with hotspot capabilities to overcome this issue. Also with everything being constantly in sync, the more stores and registers you have you will need a powerful enough host that can handle all the communications.

So which is the best solution?

Shop around and be sure to look carefully into how registers sync with their host. This can be the difference between functionality and accuracy. You will also want a powerful enough host that can handle the work load for your company.

Open Business System is a cloud based system driven by accurate accounting. We pride ourselves in the power behind Open Business System, and its ability to run more than 100 registers simultaneously. Contact us today and we can coordinate the processing power to meet your needs.

Open Business System does require an always on internet connection. As recommended above this can be a minimal issue if your stores have the ability to run a mobile hotspot to continue doing sales when your local internet service provider is down.


(Register image provided by,, The best place for 3D models, purchase this model here. )



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